Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A joint team of the crime branch and Hira Nagar police arrested two persons with liquor worth Rs 70,000 on Thursday. The accused were allegedly selling the liquor when they were caught by the police.
Police are investigating the case to know the role of other people in supplying liquor in the city. According to a crime branch official, information was received that some people were involved in liquor supply in the Hira Nagar area.
After that, the crime branch accompanied by Hira Nagar police raided a place near Bhangarh Railway Crossing and caught two persons from there. About 22 boxes containing liquor worth Rs 69,300 were also recovered from them.
They could not show invoice or any documents to store liquor in huge quantities. The accused have been identified as Narendra Suryawanshi and Dharmendra Saroj.
They allegedly informed the police that they were selling liquor from a place near a railway crossing. They were booked under section 34 (2) of the Excise Act.