Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Eleven godowns storing tractor parts were targeted by unidentified thieves in the Choti Gwaltoli area. They took away cash and goods worth lakhs and also took away CCTV cameras and DVRs installed in the godown.
Police said the same gang of thieves also stole from a liquor shop in the Sarwate bus stand area and took away expensive liquor. Here also they stole the CCTV cameras and the DVRs.
Police said the way the thieves cut the wires of the CCTV, and then took the cameras and the DVRs with them, points to the fact that both the thefts were done by the same gang.
One of the victims of the theft, auto parts trader Ramcharan Parihar, said that he had reached his godown in the morning, where he found the locks of 11 godowns broken. He said the thieves stole auto parts and cash kept in the godowns.