Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In a tragic incident, a 69-year-old man allegedly took his own life after the Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) demolished his grocery shop under Palasia police station limits. The IMC razed his shop on Tuesday morning following complaints from some of his neighbours.
He was found hanging on Wednesday morning by his grandson, who was going to school. The man left a suicide note mentioning the names of the neighbours who had been troubling him and who had lodged the complaints with the IMC.
According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Anil Yadav, a resident of Panchvati Apartment in Chandralok Colony. His son Vikram said, “My father was a retired bank branch manager. He opened an Amul shop around two years ago in front of our apartment. However, some of the neighbours began troubling him and complained to the IMC, which led to the demolition of the shop. The IMC issued a notice on Monday evening, instructing us to remove all items from the shop within 24 hours.
However, before the notice period ended, they came on Tuesday morning around 9 a.m. and demolished the shop. Anil was deeply distressed by the incident. We spoke with him that night and tried to calm him down. He went to bed, but the next morning, my son found him hanging when he was leaving for school.”
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helpline