Indore (Madhya Pradesh): People of the city celebrated Shani Jayanti with pomp and fervour on Friday. People from Rishikesh visited the city to celebrate Shani Jayanti, while Shani Dev’s turban was brought by the devotees from Ujjain.
The main celebration of Shani Jayanti was held at the ancient Shani temple situated at Juni Indore.
The chief priest of the temple, Pt Nilesh Tiwari, said, “Shani Dev’s idol was adorned with a turban weighing five and a half kilos, while he was offered 300 litres of oil. People from Rishikesh visited the city and brought multiple herbs along with them to adorn the idol.”
Maharudrabhishek of God was performed by Ved Pathi Brahmins which started at 5 am on Friday, at the ancient Shani temple at Juni Indore.
Pt Tiwari said that on the occasion, a family of Shani devotees offered a silver Holkar turban., and it was worn by God for the first time on Friday morning. Along with this, iron rings were placed during the Mahayagya and later distributed among devotees after Aarti in the evening.
New arrangements were made for the darshan of the devotees. The entire temple was kept ‘railing free’. Thousands of devotees visited the temple to offer oil to Lord Shani Dev.