Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Indore Police as part of their ongoing efforts to raise awareness about cyber crimes, women's safety, and drug abuse, conducted a session at the annual training camp of the one MP Air Squadron Battalion of NCC on Saturday. The event took place at the auditorium hall of Emerald Heights School in Indore, where more than 400 cadets were present.
The Indore Police team highlighted the dangers of online fraud and social media exploitation, advising cadets to be cautious and avoid sharing personal information with strangers.
Recognising the growing concern of drug abuse, the Indore Police team took the opportunity to encourage the cadets to take an oath to stay away from drugs and contribute to building a drug-free India.
NCC camp in-charge, Aditya Singh Parmar, along with other staff members, appreciated the Indore Police team for its efforts.