Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Members of Parshuram Sena have demanded an FIR against Ekalavya Gaur, leader of Hind Rakshak Group, for putting a Rakhi on the head of Lord Ranjit Hanuman that had two photos of his late father and former minister Laxman Singh Gaur. The Rakhi was placed there on August 30, on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan.
The Sena members said this act had hurt their religious sentiments.
Sena president Anup Shukla said they had earlier demanded an apology from Ekalavya but when he refused, they went to the Annapurna police station on Friday demanding that a case be registered against him.
Shukla said that they would have had no objections if the Rakhi were placed at the feet of Lord Ranjit Hanuman, but here it was put on the head of the idol, which is an insult to Lord Hanuman.
Annapurna police station in-charge Sanju Kamle said a memorandum has been given by Parshuram Sena, and they are looking into it.