Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Police arrested one more person on Tuesday in connection with snatching Rs 14 lakh from a bus driver by two police constables posted at Chandan Nagar police station. A search is on for two others, who had informed police constables about the cash in the bus.
ACP Nandani Sharma said that one Jafar, a resident of Chandan Nagar area has been arrested for helping policemen Yogendra Singh Chouhan and Deepak Yadav, who were arrested for snatching a parcel of Rs 14 lakh from a bus driver.
The cash was sent by a trader to another in Ahmedabad through the driver of a bus a few days ago. Then, the policemen of Chandan Nagar had stopped the bus driver and had snatched cash saying that he (driver) is involved in hawala operations. After that they had shared the money among them.
The incident was discovered when the city trader lodged a complaint against the bus driver. The police caught the bus driver, who informed that the parcel containing cash was snatched by two policemen from him. Then, the policemen were present at the police station and the driver identified them. The policemen were suspended and departmental inquiry is on.
During questioning, the policemen revealed the names of some men, who had informed them about the cash in the bus. On Tuesday, the accused named Jafar was arrested and a search is on for two brothers named Sameer and Sharif. Police believe that more people might be involved in the case.
It is said that Jafar had received Rs 2.30 lakh from the policemen and he bought a car for Rs 1 lakh. The police have recovered Rs 1.30 lakh from him and he is being questioned further. The accused are also on police remand.