Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The police arrested a man from near Khatu Shyam Temple in Malviya Nagar for raping a woman in the male toilet of a multiplex in a mall at Regal Square on Monday. The woman worked as a cleanliness worker at the multiplex and she had been asked by her supervisor to clean the male toilet. Initially, the woman objected to cleaning the male toilet but was forced by his supervisor to clean it. When she went to clean the toilet, the man forcefully made physical relations with her.
According to the information, a woman lodged a complaint at the police station alleging that her supervisor had forcefully made physical relations with her in a male toilet of a mall on September 25. Police registered a case under relevant sections of IPC and started a search for the accused. Police traced the call record of the accused and arrested him from Malviya Nagar.