Indore (Madhya Pradesh): An 18-year-old boy committed suicide by hanging from the ceiling at his place in Khudel police station area on Saturday evening. He was taken to the hospital but could not be saved. The exact reason behind his extreme decision is yet to be ascertained. He had taken his family’s tractor to attend school farewell and after returning from there, he was found hanging after a few hours.
According to the police, the deceased was identified as Ayush Chaudhary, a resident of Sanawadiya village. He was studying in Class XII. Ayush’s friend Kabir said that they had a farewell at his school on Saturday. Ayush was normal in school and was enjoying the programme. He was with his friends till 5 pm and their exam is scheduled for February 22.
Ayush’s family members said that Ayush had taken their family tractor to go to school for farewell and was good at studies. He had come to the house on Thursday from his maternal uncle’s house after attending his cousin’s marriage. He was the youngest son of his parents and there was no such thing over which he was upset. The family members are unaware of the reason behind his extreme decision.