Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Bajrang Dal and VHP activists again reached the Palasia police station on Sunday and gave a written complaint to an officer to register a case against those policemen who cane-charged Bajrang Dal activists at Palasia Square a few days ago. Many activists were injured in the cane charge, and one of the activists was discharged from the hospital recently.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad activist Rajesh Binjve along with Bajrang Dal coordinator Tannu Sharma and other activists reached Palasia police station where they met an officer. They gave a written complaint stating that Rajesh Binjve, who got critically injured after he was thrashed by the police, was in the hospital for more than a week. They alleged that the police officers thrashed Binjve and other activists badly. They demanded to lodge an FIR against a DCP, ACP and five TIs, who were on the spot during the incident.
The Bajrang Dal activists alleged that on June 15, when they were protesting peacefully at Palasia Square against sale of drugs in the city, the officers started abusing them and later cane-charged them. On the other hand, the police said that the protestors first pelted stones at them after which they had to use force.
After the incident, DCP of Zone-3 was shifted to RAPTC and Palasia police station in-charge was line attached. A probe was ordered by PHQ which was carried out by ADG Vipin Maheshwari.