Barwani (Madhya Pradesh): A 60-year-old clerk posted at the health department died here on Wednesday, a day after she received a second shot of corona vaccine. The deceased has been identified as Rajani Sen. Her death has created a stir as many believe that she may have died because of inoculation though her post-mortem report is awaited.
Chief medical and health officer Dr Anita Singare, who rushed to district hospital after knowing about Rajani’s death, said she died due to natural cause. “Post-mortem will ascertain actual cause of her death. We will take next step only after getting post-mortem report,” she added. Rajani’s death has pressed the panic button among those who are set to get a second dose of vaccine. Though it might be a natural death, many here in the tribal predominant district are linking it with the jab.
Few days back, nurse Namrata Chaure, 40, here had denied taking second dose of Covid vaccine as she complained of complications after the first dose. She was admitted to intensive-care unit (ICU) after getting the first dose. She is the mother of two-year-old twins and is the sole bread-earner of the family.
Chaure said, “My family suggested that I shouldn’t get a second dose of vaccine as I was admitted to the ICU after being administered the first dose. A staff nurse is a contractual job. So, the government won’t support my family if something goes wrong with me due to vaccination.”