Indore (Madhya Pradesh): At least 9 people including a child and a police sub-inspector got injured after they were hit by a recklessly driven ambulance at four places under two police station jurisdictions in the city on Thursday morning. After hitting four people near MTH hospital, the ambulance rammed into the gate of the hospital and the people handed him over to the Central Kotwali police. The complainant informed the police that the ambulance driver was in an inebriated condition.
According to Central Kotwali police station staff, Neha Suryavanshi, a resident of Malharganj and the security guard of MTH Hospital, has lodged a complaint that she was standing near the gate when an ambulance driver reached there and hit a 12-year-old child named Tarun around 10 am. When she reached there, the ambulance driver also hit and injured her. She stated in her complaint that the ambulance driver again turned his vehicle and he rammed it at the main gate of the hospital.
The gate broke due to which auto rickshaw driver Rajesh and SI Bhagwanti Rathore posted at Central Kotwali police station also received injuries as they were standing near the gate. Other security guards and people caught the driver, who was identified as Vassi alias Vasim, a resident of Firdous Nagar area of the city. The complainant informed the police that the ambulance driver was inebriated.
The people took him to the police station where Narendra Sharma, a resident of Barfani Dham area also reached and informed the police that the same ambulance also hit him near Shastri Bridge. He injured his shoulder. The police arrested Vasim and further investigation is on. Before the incident, the same ambulance hit two women on a scooter on YN Road around 9.45 am.
Vijay Nagar resident Ruchita Maheshwari has lodged a complaint with the police that she along with her friend Kirti Kabra was going to the dental college when the ambulance (MP10 DA 0814) hit their scooter from behind, injuring them critically. The complainant informed the police that the ambulance driver was inebriated and also hit two to three people near Malwa Mill Square and injured them. The police are examining the CCTVs near the spot.