Ghaziabad: A video has surfaced on social media in which a Muslim man is seen calling the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister a 'goon'. The man has been arrested after the video went viral on social media. In another video, it can be seen that the man is being escorted by the Uttar Pradesh Police as he is not able to walk properly after being allegedly thrashed by the police.
The accused has been identified as Mohammad Wasim
The accused has been identified as Mohammad Wasim and is a resident of Mussoorie in Ghaziabad. In a public interview, he can be heard claiming that Yogi Adityanath is a goon. He was asked by the reporter, "Has Yogi not ended hooliganism in the state?" to which the man replied, "Yogi himself is a goon. I am not afraid to register a case against me." He also asked to check the CM's history and the FIRs registered against him.
'We are Muslims, and his 90 generations cannot eliminate us'
He further said, "We are Muslims, and his 90 generations cannot eliminate us. Yogi has not landed from the sky." The reporter asked him about the performance of Yogi Adityanath on the completion of his six years in power, to which he replied, "Yes he has done a lot of work. He has done on Hindu-Muslim in the state."
The man was arrested after his video went viral
The man was arrested after his video went viral on social media. He was given the hospitality that Uttar Pradesh Police is famous for. It can be seen in another video that the man is unable to walk after allegedly being thrashed by the police. The accused is in the custody of the police, and further action is being taken against the accused.