A blood test camp was conducted on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day by District Government Hospital, Satara in Satara District Jail on Wednesday. A joint hepatitis B camp was conducted for prison officials, staff and inmates.
A total of 24 officers and employees of the prison were examined and a total of 45 inmates' blood samples were taken and examined.
The president of the said camp was Dr Yuvraj Karpe, Civil Surgeon, Satara District Hospital. While giving guidance on hepatitis B, he mentioned that this test is very necessary and everyone should do it. "We can treat every disease after it appears. However, hepatitis B does not appear. We know it only after his blood test and only then we can treat it properly," he said.
Importance to get tested for hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the human liver and can be acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis B often does not require any treatment. Chronic forms of hepatitis B include liver cancer and cirrhosis. However, Dr Karpe said that it is important for everyone to get tested for hepatitis B.
Apart from Dr Karpe, the programme was attended by Jail Superintendent of Police Shamkant Shedge, Addl. Civil Surgeon Subhash Kadam, Senior Jailer Dnyaneshwar Dubey, as well as officers and staff of District Government Hospital Gaud, Sachin Jadhav, Sunanda Shete, Rupali Kadam, Gitanjali Jadhav, Sohel Pathan, Amit Chaugule along with Jail Officer Rajendra Bhapkar, Supriya Kute, Havaldar Barde, Patil, Pardhe, Ahmed Sande, Ranjit Berge, Nanaso Dongle, Ganesh Sool and other staff were present.