Kolkata, September 27: Tension gripped West Bengal's Barrackpore on Wednesday after an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) deputed at a local police station was accused of raping his live-in partner. The accused ASI has been identified as Sanjib Sen. He is currently posted at Basudebpur Police Station in Barrackpore sub-division.
The woman has filed a complaint against him at the same police station
The accused woman has filed a complaint against him at the same police station. She said that she met the accused a few years back when she approached Basudebpur Police Station with a complaint against an individual whom she had given a loan of Rs 10 lakhs. Unable to get the loan back from the borrower she, a resident of Shyamnagar in North 24 Parganas, approached the police station.
She came in touch with the accused
There she came in touch with the accused, who promised her all assistance in getting the loan amount back. Slowly intimacy developed between the two and the woman complained that taking the advantage of the closeness, the accused ASI raped her.
The police have started an investigation in the matter
Finally, she filed the complaint against the ASI at the same police station where the latter is currently posted. The police have started an investigation in the matter.
The accused policeman has denied the charges framed against him
The accused policeman has, however, denied the charges framed against him. Meanwhile, the complainant has also claimed that she had been receiving life threats over the phone since the time she has filed the complaint.