West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday stated that the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government will start working for Ghatal Master Plan and will not wait for the central government’s fund.
"Rs 1,250 crore is required for the Ghatal Master Plan. I have said to initiate it phase by phase, though it takes 3-4 years. I don’t want to wait till the Centre’s sanction. I am giving instructions, especially to Prabhat Misra (irrigation secretary) and Gopalika (Chief Secretary) to prepare the blueprint so that it can be done in 3-4 years," said Mamata.
Notably, West Bengal’s mega flood management programme, Ghatal Master Plan, aims to bring major relief to the people living in the low-lying areas of Midnapore and adjoining areas. The said areas get inundated every year during the monsoons throwing life out of gear.
The Chief Minister further added that her party MP Deepak Adhikari (DEV) is the champion of the Ghatal Master Plan.
Even on the last day of the Parliament, Dev was seen asking the Speaker to convey to the Prime Minister about the Ghatal Master Plan and the problems that are being faced by the people there during flooding.
In 2022 the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led central government had sanctioned Rs. 1500 crore for the Ghatal Master Plan which includes strengthening of embankments of 10 major rivers including Rupnarayan, Shilabati and Kansabati.