Kolkata: A day after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee gave extended time to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Central governments for releasing the backlog dues of the state, Mamata on Thursday took to X handle and said, "I detect a deliberate disinformation campaign regarding Central release of funds in MGNREGA. Despite our vigorous movements and submission of detailed factual records and accounts, the Centre has been dragging its feet and has not released any withheld fund whatsoever at all.
The misinformation is being spread to befool people and to spread confusion, and to malign the State Government. We need, deserve, and are entitled to our rightful share. We continue to be unfairly deprived, despite leaking of false information here and there. Shame!!"
Meeting to be held on November 16
It is pertinent to mention that the West Bengal Chief Minister on Wednesday said that on November 16 a meeting will be held to decide upon the future plans of the party if the funds are not released, but on Thursday it was informed that due to World Cup semi finals the meeting is rescheduled on November 23 at Netaji Indoor Stadium.
Meanwhile, Mamata on Thursday evening suddenly visited the Governor at Raj Bhavan and on being asked about the purpose of meeting to which she said that her meeting with Governor CV Ananda Bose was a 'courtesy meeting after Durga Puja to wish Bijoya'.