Delhi: In a deeply distressing incident, a group of puppies was found locked inside a Honda Accord car in the bone-chilling cold in Delhi’s Chirag Enclave. The shocking incident was captured on video and quickly went viral on Friday on social media, sparking outrage with people asking the authorities to take action against the accused person.
In the viral footage posted on X (formerly known as Twitter), a group of women can be seen surrounding the car, raising slogans, and breaking the car's mirror to rescue the puppies trapped inside in freezing cold.
Watch the video here:
In the other video, a woman is heard addressing the public, "I am in Chirag Enclave. This house's address is B-25. If there are volunteers and other people who want to support us, please come forward. You can see these puppies locked up inside a car."
The incident has stirred emotions on social media platforms, with many expressing their shock and concern for the welfare of the puppies. The women involved in the rescue are being praised for their prompt response and determination to save the animals from potential harm.
Netizens react
One X user while reacting to the incident said,"Very shameful! If you can't keep dogs at home then why keep them? Instead of keeping the voiceless in captivity like this, it is better to give them to someone who can raise them."
Another said, "Good action. If you can't give time or handle properly then don't keep pet at your home."
Every now and then such videos surface on social media which show how brutally a few people in our society treat animals. In one similar case of animal brutality, an unknown person killed six puppies in Delhi's Mayur Vihar Extention 1 recently. In addition to this, earlier this month, a stray dog was beaten to death by a man in Ludhiana because his car cover had been damaged by the canine.