A recent video which went viral on social media shows a group of Delhi Traffic Police personnel allegedly demanding a bribe from a man and later dividing the bribe money among themselves. The incident is said to have taken place in front of Delhi's Gazipur police station last week. The three visible cops in the video have been suspended, reports say.
As per a PTI report, Delhi Lt Governor VK Saxena said in a post on X on Saturday that the three traffic cops have been suspended. "Taking cognisance of the video, after a preliminary investigation, the three police personnel were suspended. A detailed departmental inquiry is also underway," Saxena added.
The videos show that at first one policeman engages in conversation with a man and demands money. In the next part of the video, it can be seen the three traffic police personnel distributing the allegedly accepted bribe money among themselves.
Reports also suggest that the assistant sub-inspected (ASI) and his team demand a bribe against returning the seized vehicles, and the officers are from Kalyanpuri Circle.
Since the video has surfaced on social media, netizens have started raising that the traffic police in a makeshift near Gazipur police station runs a bribe racket and it is because of the video, their corruption is exposed.