Ghaziabad: In an appalling incident a dog was mowed down by an SUV in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad. The incident was caught on the CCTV camera installed in the area and the heart-wrenching video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a youngster took his pet dog for a walk on a lane in Ghaziabad and a car ran over the pet while the owner was busy using his mobile phone leaving the dog unattended on the road. The dog died after the car rammed the pet on the road.
The incident occurred in Indirapuram
The incident occurred in Shiv Shakti Gali of Niti Khand 1 of Indirapuram. The dog died on the spot after being mowed down by the SUV. The owner of the dog lodged a complaint at the Indirapuram Police Station against the driver of the SUV after his dog died in the accident.
It can be seen in the video that the youth took his pet dog which is a Pug for a walk when a black colour Tata Nexon car runs over the dog while entering the society.
Brazen attitude by the accused who is still absconding
According to a friend of the woman who lost her pet, the accused was brazen and defiant about his act of killing the dog and even went to the extent of promising to get her "another same new dog." The accused is still at large even as police is on the lookout for him.
The owner of the dog is also at fault
The owner of the dog is also at fault as he left the dog unattended and was busy using his mobile phone while the dog was chained and following him. The car came from the front direction after which the owner went to the side of the lane and the dog accidentally came under the front tire of the car. The police have registered a case in connection with the incident and are investigating the matter.
The police are probing the matter
The police are examining the CCTV cameras installed in the area and are also investigating the other cameras in the area. There are no reports of any arrest in connection with the death of the pet. However, the police have initiated a probe and are investigating the matter.