Ramnagar: In a shocking incident, a pregnant woman was molested by her uncle-in-law while she was sleeping at home. When she protested, he pushed her causing injury to her stomach. After the incident, the woman's condition worsened. She gave birth to a baby girl, who died hours after coming to this world.
After the incident, the father of the victim filed a complaint against the accused at the police station.
According to the Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar's report, Jagdish Arya,Bhawaniganj resident, said that his daughter was seven months pregnant. On August 31, his daughter was sleeping at home when her uncle-in-law (mausa), who resides in Bailpadao, came to the house and, seeing her alone, started making obscene advances and forcefully harassed her.His daughter escaped from the uncle-in-law’s clutches, but he pushed her, causing an injury to her stomach.
She immediately called her husband and informed him about the incident, after which the uncle-in-law began to physically assault her. This caused her to start bleeding.
Following this, she was treated at home. On Tuesday morning, she had a normal delivery at home, but the baby’s condition deteriorated, and around 11 a.m., the baby passed away. The woman's father has filed a police complaint against the uncle-in-law law for molesting and assaulting her.
The police have taken statements from both sides. After recording the statement, police said that they would register a case in the matter.
The police have initiated an investigation into case.