Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami, while taking a meeting at the secretariat regarding the preparations for organising the Global Investors Summit, directed the officials that all the preparations for the Investors Summit should be completed on time. Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami has requested Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to inaugurate this Investors Summit to be held in Uttarakhand in November/December 2023.
Good opportunity to increase possibilities of investment: CM Dhami
Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami said that there are many possibilities to work in Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. He said that this is a good opportunity for us to increase the possibilities of investment in Uttarakhand. The state has good human resources as well as good environment for setting up industries. A strong new industrial policy has been formulated to attract more investors to the state. He said that the speedy expansion of air, rail and road connectivity in the state is attracting people from the industrial world to visit Devbhoomi Uttarakhand.
2 international, 6 national roadshows as part of summit
Under the Global Investors Summit, 2 roadshows are proposed at the international level and 6 roadshows are proposed at the national level. Apart from this, mini conclave is also proposed to be organized in Mussoorie and Ramnagar. Under the Global Investors Summit, roadshows and other programs will be organized in the state for investment in tourism, industry, IT, health, higher education and various other sectors.
In the meeting, Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Secretary R.K. Meenakshi Sundaram, Vinay Shankar Pandey, MD Sidcul Rohit Meena and concerned officers were present.