A fire engulfed at a scrap godown within in the Nandgram area of Ghaziabad on Sunday. While firefighters brought under the blaze control, preventing any injuries or casualties; the scrap warehouse, which was located in a residential area, was found to be in violation of fire safety rules. Illegal collection of junk was reportedly taking place on the premises.
Visuals of the incident surface
Visuals of the incident showed fire encompassing the godown as the firefighters scrambled to contain the blaze. Rahul Kumar, Chief Fire Officer, said, "Fire Station Kotwali received information about the fire at around 1:20 pm... With the help of fire tenders, fire was brought under control within one hour. The cause of fire tender will be ascertained in investigation."
Authorities have currently launched an investigation to ascertain the cause of the fire in the area. Local residents and businesses in the vicinity have been assured that the situation is now under control, and there is no immediate threat to the surrounding area.
Second fire incident in two days
This incident follows a similar blaze on Saturday night, where another scrap warehouse in the Khoda area of Ghaziabad caught fire. This incident involved an illegally operated warehouse. Fortunately, no injuries or casualties were reported.