Lakhimpur Kheri: In a shocking incident, a video has emerged on social media in which a few men and women are seen engaged in a brawl and bashing each other with punches, kicks and bamboo. The incident of the clash was captured on camera and the video of the brawl is going viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that the men and the women are exchanging blows and hitting each other with sticks.
The fight occurred on Sunday (October 8) on the street in Lakhimpur Kheri
The video is going viral on social media and it can be seen in the video that a few youngsters are assaulting women and the women are hitting the youngsters. The youngsters also hit an elderly man who can be seen in the video trying to separate the men and the women who were involved in the fight. The fight occurred on Sunday (October 8) on the street in Lakhimpur Kheri.
The man snatches the bamboo from the woman and starts hitting her
There are reports that the fight broke out after the protested against the youngsters who were teasing them. The miscreants then started fighting with the women and started beating them with punches and sticks. However, it is not confirmed yet if the fight broke out due to teasing. One of the women can be seen in the video trying to attack one of the miscreants with a bamboo stick. The man snatches the bamboo from the woman and starts hitting her and the elderly man present at the spot with the bamboo.
The matter was reported at the Kheri Police Station
The video is circulating on social media. The police took cognisance of the matter and said that the dispute broke out between two parties. The matter was reported at the Kheri Police Station and the police said that the complaint has been registered and necessary action is being taken in connection with the matter. The police has initiated a probe into the matter.
The injured persons were sent to the district hospital for treatment
The Police said, "On the information of a dispute between two parties under Kheri police station area on 08.10.2023, the injured persons from both the parties were sent to the district hospital for treatment by Kheri police station. On the basis of the complaint received, the case will be investigated and necessary action will be taken."