Sultanpur: In the most shocking and frightful incident that has surfaced from Mirpur village of Sultanpur district of UP, a youth identified as Vipin stabbed his elder brother multiple times after they had an argument over the parking of a bike. The family members reportedly tried hard to control Vipin, but in vain. Residents after being shocked to see what had happened, hurriedly admitted Vipin to hospital, however he was declared dead upon reaching. The incident was reported on March 11th, Monday night.
Parents of the two brothers who had a heated argument over parking their bike on a street of Mirpur village are left in a state of shock as little did they know that such a trivial argument will take such a disastrous turn.
Similar past incidents
This is not the first time such a heinous crime was reported in UP's Sultanpur district. In January 2024, a 65-year-old woman was arrested in Uttar Pradesh's Sultanpur for allegedly murdering her six-year-old granddaughter. According to police, accused Sudama Devi was angry over the public humiliation she suffered at the hands of her daughter-in-law Pooja. Sudama Devi took the girl for a walk one evening, and later some villagers spotted Sudama pushing the girl into a well. With the assistance of police, the girl was retrieved and rushed to a local health centre but the doctors failed to revive her. The victim’s father Santosh had filed a complaint against Sudama Devi following which she was arrested. Police said, "Neighbours recounted an argument between Pooja and Sudama in the morning. Pooja's alleged derogatory comments about Sudama's son and family, made in front of onlookers, seemed to have fuelled the woman’s rage. Hours later, Sudama left the house with the girl and committed the crime."