Hapur: In a horrific incident of road rage, a car driver mowed down a toll plaza worker in Uttar Pradesh's Hapur. The incident occurred at Pilkhuwa toll plaza in Hapur. A video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the car driver broke the toll gate and then rammed the toll plaza worker with his car.
Incident caught on CCTV
The incident which was caught on CCTV showed that the car driver first crashed the toll plaza and was running away without paying money. The toll plaza employee chased the car that gate crashed and also chased the car for some distance, however the car driver fled without paying.
The car driver after going some distance again returned towards the toll plaza and rammed the employee who tried to stop him under his car and dragged him for some distance.
Driver flees
The car driver fled the spot after ramming the toll employee under his car. The condition of the toll plaza employee is not known yet. The victim guard was taken to a nearby government hospital, where he is receiving treatment. The guard is in critical condition. Further investigation of the matter is underway.
Varun Mishra, DCP, Pilkhua Circle told ANI that "A person deliberately rammed his car at Chhajarsi Toll Plaza employee. A case has been registered & the accused will be apprehended at the earliest."
Many such instances of toll plaza violence have come to light in recent times. Government should take necessary steps to avoid such violence against the toll plaza employees.