Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday dissolved Hindu Yuva Vahini (HYV), once known as his biggest political asset in the eastern part of the state.
The chief minister announced that from now onwards, there would be no unit of HYV anywhere in the state. With this, the organization that had given maximum political mileage to Yogi sans existence.
Adityanath founded the outfit two decades ago to counter his opponents within Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP).
In 2007, Yogi had even fielded candidates against the BJP under the banner of this outfit and two of them had won in the UP state assembly.
The outfit, which was started as a non-political organization, later ventured into electoral politics after the relations of its founder Yogi Adityanath turned sour with BJP top leaders in 2007.
However, after becoming close with Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) and BJP, Yogi stopped promoting his own outfit. Later, after becoming the chief minister of UP in 2017, he himself decided to dissolve the HYV as most of the leaders of the unit had joined BJP and some of them have even become legislators on BJP tickets.
Despite his announcement, few units of Vahini were functioning in some parts of the state, to which the chief minister did not object to it.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, HYV president Raghvendra Pratap Singh issued a statement saying that the organization stands dissolved now.
Yogi Adityanath has made it clear that no unit of Vahini would remain functional now. Nowhere in the entire country, there would be any unit of Vahini.