Kanpur: In a sensational case, the 16-year-old son of a prominent businessman in Kanpur who was kidnapped on Monday (October 30), was found dead on Tuesday morning (October 31). The police arrested the victim's tuition teacher and her boyfriend who are suspected to be the accused behind the murder. The body of the 16-year-old was found in the store room of the tuition teacher's house, said reports.
Victim left house at around 5.30 am
According to the the victim's family, the boy had left for tuition teacher Rachita's house at around 5.30 am on Monday (October 30). However, Prabhat reportedly followed him to the tuition teacher's house.
Boy was seen visiting the tuition teacher's house
As per the CCTV footage, the boy and Prabhat were seen entering the house together. However, once inside the house , though Prabhat and the boy are seen entering the store room together, only Prabhat is seen coming out of the room. The police suspect that this is when the boy was killed. The tuition teacher, Rachita, and her boyfriend Prabhat Shukla are both in police custody.
False Ransom note to mislead Police
According to police, a false ransom note was used to mislead the police. Accused Prabhat along with a friend used the victim's scooter and with a changed number plate, threw a ransom note of Rs 30,00,000 at the victim's house. The Police also said that "Allah hu Akbar" was written on the note to mislead the probe. The motive behind the murder is still not clear and both the accused Ruchita and Prabhat Shukla are being questioned.
Akhilesh Yadav posts about the incident
Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav put a post on the kidnapping and killing of 16-year-old in Kanpur and the 'Allah Hu Akbar' ransom note planted by the accused to mislead the investigation.
"In the case of kidnapping and murder of a textile businessman's son in Kanpur, a conspiracy to demand ransom by linking the crime to a particular community and thereby diverting the attention of the police is a very serious matter. This kind of trend is extremely dangerous for the country and society, the strictest action should be taken against it," said Akhilesh in his tweet.