Just a day after West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee's announcement that her party will contest the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 polls alone in the state, TMC MP Derek O'Brien claimed that the reason the INDIA alliance is not working between the two parties in West Bengal is due to West Bengal Congress chief Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, on Thursday.
INDIA alliance have two leading detractors, said TMC's Derek O'Brien
TMC's Derek O'Brien said, "Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury is the reason the alliance did not work out in West Bengal. The Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) had many detractors, but only two, the BJP and Chowdhury, have repeatedly spoken out against the bloc." In response to whether the TMC will remain part of the INDIA alliance, O'Brien replied, "After the general elections, if the Congress does its job and defeats the BJP on a substantial number of seats, the Trinamool Congress will very much be a part of the front that believes and fights for the Constitution."
INDIA bloc cannot be imaged without 'Banerjee', said Jairam Ramesh
On Wednesday, TMC chief Mamata Banerjee's sudden comments forced the Congress to adopt a conciliatory approach. Party general secretary in charge of communications Jairam Ramesh said that the opposition bloc INDIA "cannot be imagined without Mamata Banerjee." In response, O'Brien insisted that the TMC had now 'turned the page.'
The TMC was upset by Chowdhury's regular attacks on Mamata Banerjee. The Congress leader recently criticised West Bengal's CM Mamata Banerjee, calling her an 'opportunist' and stating that his party would contest the elections on its own.