In a controversial statement that has sparked considerable debate, Tamil Nadu Transport Minister S S Sivasankar declared on Friday that there is no archaeological or historical evidence to substantiate the existence of Lord Ram. His comments were made during an event at the famed Sri Brihadeeswara Temple in Gangaikondacholapuram, commemorating the birth centenary of King Rajendra Chola.
“We honour Rajendra Chola, the illustrious Chola emperor, with celebrations rooted in tangible evidence—such as inscriptions, temples, and the lake he constructed,” Sivasankar said. “However, there is no comparable evidence to trace the historical existence of Lord Ram.”
Referring to the recently inaugurated Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Sivasankar questioned the claims about Lord Ram’s existence 3,000 years ago. He challenged the notion by saying, “If Ram is described as an avatar, it raises contradictions about his existence and divine status. If he were born, then he could not be considered a deity.”
Sivasankar further criticised what he perceived as attempts to overshadow Tamil history and culture by imposing narratives from other traditions. He highlighted former Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi’s efforts to emphasise Tamil identity and heritage, contrasting these with the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, which he argued had little relevance or benefit for Tamils.
The event was jointly organised by the District Administration, the Department of Tourism, and the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments.