Kullu: In a shocking incident, several buildings collapsed in Himachal Pradesh's Kullu district due to landslides triggered due to heavy rains. The video of the incident is making rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the buildings are collapsing one after the other due to lanslide and heavy rains in the Kullu district. The state is reeling under heavy rains for past few days. Incidents of landlsides and floods due to heavy rains are frequently occurring in the state. Many buildings have been damaged due to the landslides in the area. Highways and transportation have also been affected due to heavy rains and landslides in the state.
Buildings come crashing down due to landslide
The horrific video that is going viral on social media shows that the buildings near the new bus stand in Anni came crashing down after the landslide that was triggered due to heavy rains. Many people are feared trapped under the debris of the buildings. Rescue operations is being carried out in the affected area on a massive scale. Rescue operations team alongwith the police has reached the spot and have started the rescue and relief operations in the area. The number of injured and people who have lost their lives is unknown yet.
Kullu-Manali Highway affected
The Kullu-Manali Highway was also damaged due to heavy rains in the Kullu district. Around hundreds of vehicles were stranded on the highway after heavy rains and also a traffic jam was reported for around 5-10 kms on the highway. People who were stranded on the highway due to heavy rains complained of food and water shortage and also appealed the authorities to clear the highway as soon as possible. The alternative route from the highway was also damaged after heavy rains in the district. The authorities said that the movement of traffic has been suspended until the highway is cleared.
Himachal Pradesh Govt releases data
The Himachal Pradesh Government has declared the whole state as a "natural calamity affected area." The state government also released data of the damage that has been faced by the state due to the heavy rains, floods and landslides. The Himachal Pradesh Government said that the rains has incurred as loss of over Rs 8,000 crore since the arrival of monsoon in the state on June 24. Many buildings and highways have been washed away due to heavy rains, floods and landslides in the state.