Ten days after the swearing-in of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma and his two deputies, the countdown for cabinet formation has begun in Rajasthan. The oath-taking ceremony for new ministers is likely on Wednesday at the Governor House in Jaipur. About 15 ministers are expected in the first phase of cabinet formation.
The state party president, CP Joshi, has stated that some ministers will be sworn in soon. "All sections of society will be included in the cabinet of the BJP government led by Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma. A mini-cabinet will be formed for now, and it will be expanded later," said Joshi to the media in Ganganagar on Sunday.
'Cabinet will be a balance of caste and regional factors'
There are 30 seats in the Rajasthan Council of Ministers, including the chief minister, and according to sources, 10-15 ministers are likely to take the oath. "The cabinet will be a balance of caste and regional factors, as the general elections were just a few months ago. Shekhawati, Mewar, Vagad, Marwar, and East Rajasthan will be given representation in the new cabinet. It will be a good mix of new and experienced MLAs," said a senior leader of the party.
Senior leaders like Kirori Lal Meena, Anita Bhadel, Otram Dewasi, Jogaram Patel, and Madan Dilawar, and new faces like Sanjay Sharma, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Gurveer Singh, Jagat Singh, Jawahar Singh Bedam, Baba Balaknath, Jhabar Singh Kharra, Pratap Bhil, Phool Singh Meena, Babu Singh Rathore, Bhag Chand Tekda, Shankar Decha, Harlal Saharan, Vishwanath Meghwal, are some of the names that can be inducted into the council of ministers.
State awaits a full government
Notably, it has been more than 20 days after the change of power in Rajasthan, but the state is still waiting for a full government as only CM Bhajan Lal Sharma and his two deputies have sworn in until now, and that too was ten days ago.
Now the opposition Congress has started questioning the delay. In his social media post, former chief minister Ashok Gehlot said that people are now getting disappointed because the people of Rajasthan gave a clear mandate to the BJP on December 3, but even after 22 days, the cabinet has not been formed yet, due to which there has been a situation of stagnation in governance. Every department is in a state of confusion, and the public wants to know which ministers they should approach to resolve their problems.