New Delhi: Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaibhaw on Wednesday ruled out any additional train between Tirupati and Sainagar Shird as not feasible owing to teriminal constraints at the two stations and line capacity constraints on sections en-route.
In reply to a question by YSR Congress member Maddila Gurumoorthy from Tirupati, the minister said there are several trains connecting the two places, including a direct weekly train and three weekly trains providing connection to Tirupati from Nagarsol, Manmad and Aurangabad, besides a weekly special train running between Tirupati and Aurangabad from August 7 this year.
The members also pressed for a train between Vishakhapatnam and Tirupati. In reply to another question on connecting Ayodhya with all holy cities and towns, the minister said the Ramayan Yatra train has been already introduced at the instance of the Prime Minister under the Bharat Gourav Yatra.