The Gorakhpur Express encountered a distressing incident today as it was held up between Dombivli and Thakurli on the down fast line. The delay, caused by brake binding issues, rippled through the morning commute affecting two other mail/ express and two suburban train services.At approximately 6:32 am, smoke was reported in coach S-8 of the Gorakhpur Express, prompting concern among passengers.
Fortunately, swift action by railway authorities prevented the situation from escalating into a larger crisis. By 6:51 am, the smoke was successfully contained and the train resumed its journey.The disruption wasn't limited to just the Gorakhpur Express.
Two other express trains, Tapovan and Indrayani Express, were also impacted by the delay. Additionally, two suburban services, a Kalyan local and a Karjat local, experienced disruptions due to the incident.Thankfully, Central Railway has confirmed that no injuries were reported among passengers. However, the incident caused considerable panic among those on board as well as inconvenience to commuters relying on the affected train services.
Upon investigation, authorities determined that the smoke and subsequent minor fire were caused by brake binding issues, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance and vigilance in ensuring passenger safety on railway networks.