Mangaluru: In a shocking incident, a woman was killed and four others injured after a car mowed down pedestrians walking on the footpath in Karnataka's Mangaluru. The horrific incident was caught on CCTV camera installed in the area and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a speeding drove on the footpath and hit the pedestrians walking on it and fled the spot.
The incident occurred in the Gandhinagar area in Mangaluru
The incident occurred in the Gandhinagar area in Mangaluru and the video of the horrific accident is going viral on social media. The car rammed the pedestrians walking on the footpath on Wednesday (October 18) at around 4 PM in the evening. There are reports that the women were walking home from the Kudroli temple when the speeding car rammed them and claimed the life of one of the women walking on the footpath.
The accident occurred when the group of women were walking on the footpath
The deceased woman (23) has been identified as Roopashri and hails from Kana in Surathkal area. The other women who were injured in the accident have been identified as Hithnavi (16), Krithika (16) and Yathika (12) and Swathi (26) they have been admitted to a nearby hospital and are receiving treatment. The police said that the accident occurred when the group of women were walking on the footpath near the Mangala Swimming Pool.
The white car hit the women from behind and sped away
The white car hit the women from behind and sped away after ramming them, the car also hit a woman after travelling some distance while turning towards the main road. They were walking towrads Ladyhill from Mannagudda. There are reports that the car driver who has been identified as Kamalesh Baldev (57), who is a businessman who deals in real estate was driving the car recklessly towards Ladyhill from Mannagudda Junction.
The businessman rammed the pedestrians and fled the spot
The businessman rammed the pedestrians and fled the spot. He parked his car near a vehicle showroom and went home. After some time he showed up to the Traffic West police station accompanied by his father and surrendered himself. A case has been registered in connection with the accident and Kamalesh has been arrested and is in police custody. The police have initiated a probe into the matter.