Former Chhattisgarh CM and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dr Raman Singh shared a video of a horrifying incident in which a man can be seen kicking a girl. The video is said to be from a girls hostel in Chhattisgarh. It can be seen in the video that the man kicks a teenage girl in her belly after an argument. The girl can be seen crying in immense pain.
Sharing the video, Dr Raman Singh slammed Bhupesh Baghel Government in Chhattisgarh. Raman Singh said that "You are bragging big in front of the youth, if you have the courage, then tell them about these circumstances as well." He further added "The daughters of Chhattisgarh are sometimes being physically abused in the hostel and sometimes they have to face violence, but this shameless government is silent even after seeing everything."
The horrific video, which is said to be shot in a girl's hostel shows an argument being hel between the man and the girl after which the man tries to leave the room to which the girl blocks the door. The man then kicks the girl in her stomach and the girl fall to the ground due to pain. Further details of the video is awaited.