Hearing the CBI's plea challenging RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav's bail in the fodder scam case, Lalu Yadav's lawyer Kapil Sibal argued in the apex court that former Bihar Chief Minister and RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav had a kidney transplant and that the CBI wanted to send him to jail again. To this, CBI's lawyer replied saying that Lalu Yadav was recently seen playing badminton and called the decision to grant bail to Lalu Yadav as "wrong." The lawyer went went to say that he will prove during the trial how the bail granted to Lalu Yadav was wrong.
The hearing on CBI's plea has now been deferred to October 17.
The comments by CBI's lawyer comes after Lalu was recently seen playing badminton. The photo had gone viral as the RJD chief is recovering from a kidney transplant that has given him a new lease of life. Lalu, who is convicted in multiple cases of the fodder scam that took place when he was the chief minister of Bihar
Earlier, the Supreme Court had on Friday (August 18) agreed to list a plea of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) challenging the bail granted by Jharkhand High Court to Lalu Prasad Yadav in the fodder scam case.
The CBI had mentioned before the Supreme Court seeking urgent listing of its plea to cancel the bail of Lalu Prasad. The hearing on the matter was scheduled for August 25.