On Wednesday evening, a 26-year-old female doctor named Dr. Sumedha was allegedly murdered by her male friend, Johar Ganai, in the Janipur area on the outskirts of Jammu city. The accused had posted on his Facebook page that he was committing suicide as he was fed up with his life.
Upon receiving the call from one of his relatives, the Janipur police team led by SHO Inspector Vijay Kumar rushed to his residence at Pamposh Colony, only to find the main gate locked from outside. The police team broke into the house and found the accused in a critical condition with stab injuries in his abdomen and the dead body of Dr. Sumedha lying in a pool of blood alongside. The girl also had stab injuries in her abdomen.
Victim declared dead, accused is critically injured
The body of the deceased girl was immediately taken to the Government Medical College and Hospital, Jammu, where she was declared dead, while the accused was admitted to the ICU, as his condition was stated to be critical.
The deceased was identified as the daughter of Kamal Kishore Sharma, a resident of Talab Tillo, Jammu, and the accused was identified as the son of Mehmood Ganai, a resident of Bhaderwah, who was presently living in Pamposh Colony, Janipur, Jammu. An FIR was registered against the accused under Section 302, and further investigation started.
Initial investigation reveals that both were in love
The initial investigation revealed that the deceased doctor and the accused were close friends and in love for quite some time. Both had done their BDS from Dental College Seohra in Jammu, and the girl was pursuing her MDS from a college outside J-K.
It was also found that the deceased girl came on Holi vacation and went straight to the accused's house where they had a fight with each other over some issue. In a fit of rage, the accused stabbed Dr. Sumedha to death with a kitchen knife and later tried to commit suicide by stabbing himself.