Integral Coach Factory (ICF) has been known for its eco-friendly initiatives and generation of green energy from natural resources. ICF was the first unit of Indian Railways to become Carbon Negative and has received many awards and the recent one was the award Shunya Plus Certification by M/s. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
As on date, ICF is using electric energy to the tune of 18.9 MU (million units) per annum and is generating green energy to the tune of 22.2 MU per annum, thus making it a Green Workplace and a big contributor for reducing global warming. Because of this, ICF has now become the first Net Positive Energy factory of the Indian Railways.
To commemorate this achievement on Monday, a Solar Tree that is bearing the words “I Love ICF” on top, using the solar panels, was unveiled in the Administrative Building Lawns at Shell Division of ICF. This solar tree was unveiled by Shri J.X. Jhonson Fernando, Sr. Section Engineer, in the presence of Shri B.G. Mallya, General Manager, ICF, Shri. C.R. Harish, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, other heads of departments, officers, and staff of ICF. This unique Solar Tree has an installed capacity of 1.125 kW and is capable of producing 4 to 5 units of electricity on an average full solar day.