Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has formed a special team to contact and ensure the safety of the stranded students and employees from the western state in violence-hit Bangaladesh. Chief minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde had a telephonic discussion with India's foreign minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday about evacuation of Indian nationals from Bangladesh. Jaishankar assured Shinde that required measures are initiated by the Indian Embassy and special flights will be arranged to safely bring the Indian nationals from Bangladesh.
After the massive students' protest in Bangladesh, former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled her country immediately and arrived in India on Monday. Her dramatic exit from the country put Bangladesh in a state of anarchy with her party members, govt institutions and the Hindu community facing violent attacks.
"Shinde assured that all possible assistance will be provided to ensure that those people from Maharashtra stranded in Bangladesh return home as early as possible. A team has been formed for gathering the information about students, engineers and other citizens from the state who are stuck in Bangladesh," informed the Chief Minister's office.
In the telephonic discussion, the foreign minister also informed that a joint secretary level officer has been appointed for initiating required actions to repartiate the India nationals from Bangladesh, added the press release by the Maharashtra government.