A WhatsApp message from 'Viksit Bharat Sampark' soliciting feedback and suggestions from the public, appended to a letter by PM Narendra Modi, has stirred controversy in recent days, with the opposition labeling it as illegal and a violation of the Model Code of Conduct. However, a fresh controversy has emerged as individuals from various nationalities, including those from the UAE and Pakistan, report receiving similar messages from Viksit Bharat Sampark. This has aroused curiosity regarding how the government obtained contact numbers of foreign nationals and whether this was an oversight or a deliberate strategy on the part of the Indian government.
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Monday took to social media site X to share screenshots of the LinkedIn post made by one Anthony J Permal ACIM and comments below his post.
Anthony, a UAE_based consultant, shared a screenshot Viksit Bharat Sampark Whatsapp message and wrote, "Yesterday multiple nationalities in the UAE received a 'personal' WhatsApp message from Indian PM Modi, addressed to Indians abroad, in what can only be described as a blatant violation of privacy laws and etiquette."
"It was received by thousands of non Indians on their private mobile numbers," Anthony added.
"How did the BJP and the Indian government get ahold of our numbers? And how can it just blatantly spam non Indians in the thousands? So much for an ethical government," he asked.
Foreign nationals get PM's message
Several non-Indians in comments below Anthony's post also revealed receiving such message from the Viksit Bharat Sampark channel.
Tharoor, sharing the post and comments, wrote on X, "Will the @ECISVEEP take note of such a blatant misuse of government machinery and government data to serve the partisan political interests of the ruling party?"
Uzair Younus, a Pakistan national based in the US, shared similar development.
"Pakistani friends seem to be receiving @narendramodi’s Viksit Bharat Sampark WhatsApp message, both in Pakistan and in UAE. Modi Ji seems more eager to poll Pakistanis for their opinions that Pakistani ruling elites themselves!" Younus wrote on X.
Pakistanis living in Saudi Arabia receive PM Modi's message
Another non-resident Indian shared similar instance on X, saying his Pakistani neighbour, who's a Saudi citizen now, received the message from Viksit Bharat Sampark.
“Viksit Bharat Sampark spam getting delivered to my neighbor @dramir191 who is a pakistani National & Saudi resident and never travelled to India. Inhe bhi nahi chora votes ke chakkar mein," Shoeb Abbas wrote on X.