Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday released an amount of ₹181 crore to the farmers who had recently suffered Rabi crop damage due to unseasonal rains and hailstorms.
Khattar transferred this compensation directly into the accounts of the farmers through the portal opened for the purpose while earlier the same used to be given through deputy commissioners which took time.
Speaking on the occasion, Khattar said that the government had conducted a special survey of crop damage, according to which the crop damage was reported in 2.09 lakh acres in 18 districts. Thus, an amount of ₹181 crore was now released as compensation to 67,758 farmers for wheat, mustard, and rapeseed crops, he said after digitally releasing the compensation amount.
It may be recalled that the chief minister had recently conducted a whirlwind tour of the rain-hit villages to assess the damage of crops due to rain, and had promised the farmers to release the compensation amount by the month of May.
The chief minister further asked the officers concerned to ensure 100% registration of farmers on the portal so that timely compensation could be released to them.
Khattar said that gone were the days when the farmers used to wait for years to get their compensation while now through the e-governance reforms, the state government had ensured that farmers got timely compensation.
He held that through this portal, the compensation amount was deposited directly into the verified account of the farmer provided on the portal. For this, there was no need to register anywhere other than on this portal, he added.
Deputy chief minister Dushyant Chautala, agriculture and farmers’ welfare minister J P Dalal were also present on the occasion.