Faisal Patel, the son of the late Congress leader Ahmed Patel, visited the sub-jail in Bharuch on Tuesday to meet Congress leader Suleman Patel. Suleman Patel is currently lodged in the jail, facing charges of rioting and attempted murder. During the visit, Faisal Patel discussed the ongoing legal proceedings, emphasising that the Congress party stands unwaveringly by Suleman Patel's side in the fight for justice.
Suleman Patel, a prominent figure closely associated with the late Ahmed Patel's family, has been entangled in legal troubles for the last three months. The charges against him stem from rioting and attempted murder cases reported from Jolva village near Dahej in Bharuch back in October 2023. Despite contesting assembly elections on the Congress ticket from Vagra constituency twice, Patel faced defeat at the hands of the BJP.
Following the registration of a complaint at Dahej police station, Suleman Patel went underground, evading authorities for three months after his name surfaced in the police FIR related to the alleged rioting and attempted murder. Despite seeking anticipatory bail from the Gujarat High Court, Patel's legal troubles persisted.
The Bharuch Local Crime Branch (LCB) police tracked down and arrested Suleman Patel from a hotel in Vadodara on January 24. After two days of police custody, he was produced before the court and subsequently sent to judicial custody at Bharuch sub-jail. The legal battle ahead for Patel remains uncertain, with the charges against him being of a serious nature.
Faisal Patel, expressing his unwavering support, stated, "Suleman Patel is a close person to our family. He has contested twice from the Congress in the Wagra assembly seat. Sulaiman Patel is always trying to strengthen the Congress. My family and the Congress will stand by his side and fight the legal battle during his difficult times."