Ghaziabad: In a shocking incident, a cow was dragged for about 200 metres after being hit by a car in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad. The entire incident of the cow being hit and dragged was caught on CCTV camera. The video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a car hits a cow that is sitting on the side of the road and drags it for some distance until the driver realises that the cow is stuck beneath the car.
The man starts the car and runs over the cow that is sitting in front of his car
The incident occurred at Devendrapuri Colony of Modinagar in Ghaziabad. It can be seen in the video that a man comes and sits inside the car that is parked on the side of the road. The cow can also be seen sitting in front of the car. The man starts the car and runs over the cow that is sitting in front of his car. The man then drives the car for some distance and then realised that the cow is stuck beneath the car. The man then gets down and checks under his car and finds that the injured cattle is stuck beneath the car.
The condition of the cattle is said to be critical
The condition of the cattle is said to be critical. It is receiving treatment at a nearby animal hospital. The accused fled the spot after hitting and dragging the animal. As per reports, Hindu Yuva Vahini activist Neeraj Sharma has filed a complaint against the accused for hurting the animal at Modinagar Police Station. Neeraj Sharma said that the cow was hit by the car and dragged for around 200 metres. The cow is in a critical condition after being hit by the car.
Strict action to be taken against the accused
Strict action is being demanded against the accused for hurting the cow. The driver could not see such big cow sitting in front of his car and did not even realise after hitting the animal and realised only after dragging the animal for around 200 metres. A complaint in coneection with the matter has been registered and the police has also initiated action to nab the culprit. The police has scanned the CCTV footage and is trying to find the identity of the accused.