Despite protecting Muslims in Karnataka, there was no support from the community to Janata Dal (Secular), former Karnataka chief minister HD Kumaraswamy said, according to a report. On Friday, the JDS teamed up with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) for the upcoming critical 2024 general assembly elections.
In an interview with Deccan Herald, Kumaraswamy expressed his displeasure over the alleged lack of backing from the Muslim community to his party. At least five Muslim leaders from the JDS decided to quit the party the senior leader's decision to join NDA.
"I want to ask these leaders: what’s their contribution to the party? They’re merely citing the alliance as a reason for their exit. HD Deve Gowda gave 4 per cent reservation to the community these leaders represent," Kumaraswamy told Deccan Herald. "Whenever there were incidents against them and the Congress was silent, it was me who stood by them. What did they give us in return? If I don’t grow strong, how can I protect their interests? Despite protecting their community, there was no support from them."
Muslim leaders depart from JDS
At least five Muslim leaders quit JDS after the party joined hands with NDA. These include former minister NM Nabi, senior vice-president Syed Shafiulla, former New Delhi representative Mohid Altaf, youth wing president NM Noor and former minority wing chief Nasir Hussain Ustad.
"Muslim leaders are upset. We're not happy because JD(S), being a secular party, has decided to join the BJP that created many communal issues when it was in power in the state," Shafiulla told Deccan Herald.
Nikhil Kumaraswamy meets BJP leader Yediyurappa
Meanwhile on Sunday, Kumaraswamy's son Nikhil Kumaraswamy met BJP's senior leader Karnataka's former chief minister BS Yediyurappa. Visuals of Nikhil going to Yediyurappa's home in Bengaluru surfaced on social media.
Talking to reporters after the meet, Nikhil said he met Yediyurappa in his personal capacity to seek his blessings given that he is the senior leader of BJP in the state.