New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday (November 22) instructed news portal 'The Wire' to take back and put down an article against Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar. The article had raised questions and alleged that the Bamnoli Land Acquisition was not completely transparent and also raised doubts on the role of Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar.
The court's order comes after the officer had filed a defamation case against the portal regarding the article in question.
Delhi Govt refers the matter to the CBI
However, the matter is escalating in Delhi. According to reports, the Delhi government has referred the alleged Rs 850 crore land acquisition scam in the Dwarka Expressway project to the CBI.
Accusations on Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar
The accusations on Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar is of inflating the cost of the land in question by "22 times" to benefit a company linked to his son Karan Chauhan. An earlier disrepency in the same matter was referred to ED. Reports said that the matter has been referred to the CBI after the nod from Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
Delhi minister Atishi sent a supplementary report to Delhi CM
Reports also said that Delhi Minister Atishi had sent a supplementary report to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the alleged corruption case against Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar.