A day after a Dalit woman was thrashed and tied to a tree half-naked in Jharkhand's Giridih district, National Commission for Women (NCW) chief Rekha Sharma has taken cognizance of the incident. NCW Chief Rekha Sharma has written to DGP Madhya Pradesh and asked for strict action against the arrested accused. She also demanded a fair and time-bound investigation into the matter. Rekha Sharma also directed the DGP to submit a detailed report to the commission within seven days.
On Thursday (July 27) a Dalit woman was stripped half-naked, thrashed and tied to an eucalyptus tree over alleged extra marital affair. The incident occurred in Sariya police station area in Jharkhand's Giridih district.
The woman alleged in her complaint that she received a phone call on Wednesday night at around 11 PM and was asked to come out of her home. When the woman came out of her home she saw two youths waiting for her outside her house on a scooty. They forcibly took the woman with them. After riding upto one kilometre they stripped, thrashed and tied the woman from a tree.
They left the woman tied to the tree for the whole night. The locals spotted the woman tied to the tree and informed the police and the woman was rescued. She is receiving treatment at a local hospital. Police have arrested four accused after questioning two youths in connection with the incident.