Chandigarh: In a shocking incident, a suspended Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Punjab police, shot dead his son-in-law, an Indian Civil Account Service (ICAS) officer, in full public view in the local district court complex here on Saturday afternoon when the victim had come there in connection with a matrimonial dispute with the former’s daughter.
According to information, Harprit Singh, an ICAS officer, was shot dead by his father-in-law, Malwinder Singh Sidhu, a suspended AIG of Punjab police, at the mediation centre of the district court complex, sector 43 here around 1.30 pm. Harprit was posted in the ministry of agriculture and farmers’ welfare, government of India, at New Delhi.
According to available information, Sidhu fired three shots into Harprit’s chest from point-blank range, killing him on the spot. Police said that the accused was arrested and the weapon recovered from the spot immediately after the sensational incident which triggered panic in the court complex.
Police said that Harprit had a matrimonial dispute with Sidhu’s daughter, Dr Amitoj Kaur, who is currently in Canada. She practiced in a private hospital in New Delhi before moving to Canada. Their divorce proceedings were going on in the Chandigarh district courts since last year. It was the third mediation hearing in the matter for which both the families, residents of neighbouring Mohali city, had come to the court’s mediation centre.
It was during the mediation session when Sidhu sought to go to the washroom and asked Harprit to show him the way. However, according to another version, it was Harprit who had come out to go to the washroom while Sidhu followed him and shot him dead.
Sidhu fired three shots at Singh reaching near the washroom. It was after Harprit’s family members rushed to the spot after hearing the shots and raised the alarm, that some of the lawyers and Harprit’s family members rushed him to Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, where he was declared brought dead.
Meanwhile, according to police, Sidhu was arrested in November last year by the Punjab vigilance bureau – who was then posted as AIG in the human rights cell of the Punjab police – on the charges of fraud and extortion after which he was placed under suspension.
Meanwhile, the question how Malwinder managed to bring a loaded pistol inside the district court, raised many eyebrows over the security measures at the court complex.