Mumbai-based Sneha Jawale, who was burned alive by her husband with kerosene after her family could not meet his relentless demands for dowry is now BBC's guest presenter. With 80 per cent burns, Sneha spent more than two months in the hospital. But it was her son, who was her strength to survive. Her story came into the spotlight when she enacted her story in Yael Faber's play Nirbhaya, which means 'Fearless'. Sneha did over 300 shows of the play across the world. “I am a fearless woman now. I live my life like a queen and sleep like a child and free of worries,” said Jawale, who is now a BBC news presenter at its Marathi division, and a locally known astrologer. She also runs an NGO that works towards creating awareness around safe menstruation. “I believe it is now bringing much-needed diversity and inclusion to the media landscape with my face being shown on TV,” she said.
She continued her life with her husband despite being beaten every day, for she hoped everything will be all right when the son grows up. It was after another nose surgery when her husband pulled out the tube from her nose that was attached to give a shape to her deformed nose due to the burn injury, that Sneha was forced to leave her husband's house. “Before I left the house, my husband left that place with my son. I was left with no money so sold my jewellery to come to my parent's place who asked me to go back to my husband's house,” said Jawale, who still can't breathe properly due to the tube injury.
No one was ready to give me a job or a house on rent
Approximately 1,500 Indians fall prey to acid and burning attacks every year. In a country like ours, social stereotypes and sexism gives birth to such horrific crimes where objectification of women leads them into the blind spot. The act repeatedly makes one believe an agenda that doesn't kill the victim but pushes them into lifelong fear and oppression. And it was not different for Sneha when she was brought home. She wasn't the same. Everyone's face showed a cringe that told her how embarrassed they were of her, it became an even harder challenge for her to feel like family around her than dealing with her own confidence issues. “I lost everything. No one was ready to rent me a house and give me a job. Wherever I would apply, people would decline. I would clear the phone round, but when I had to meet the employer in person, they would say 'Sorry, there's no opening,” recalled Sneha, who has a B. Ed degree.
It has been over a decade that Sneha has raised herself into a strong woman who is an actor, news presenter, social worker and astrologer. She writes about women’s issues and still believes in the institution of marriage. “I have full faith in the foundation of marriage. I see a lot of happy people. My fight is against the parents and system which dictates that daughters are not their responsibilities once married,” she stated.
Abandoned by family
Although Sneha has found her lost identity, she still struggles to recall past events, especially when her son and parents have abandoned her. It was because of her son that she didn't register any complaint against her husband. “My son was four-year-old. He saw everything happening there. He said don't file a complaint because his friends would make fun of him and humiliate him. My husband begged my parents to not register any complaint. I chose to stay quiet because it was no fault of his. We chose to bring him into this world and I didn't want to bring any problems to him,” she said.
Her son is 18 years old but hasn't even come once to meet her and so have her parents despite several initiatives from her end. “My son asked his friends to inform me that I should not contact him and he will contact me one day. He has his own small world and I want him to be happy. I will wait till he comes to me. If my parents had supported me, I would have had my son with me now,” she hoped.
Where is the place for those who are born with glory in their souls?
Over the years, so much has changed in Sneha's life, however, she has still been asked by inquisitive commuters on trains and social media about what had happened to her face. “In a society where beauty is defined by the physical features of women, where is the place for those who are born with glory in their souls? Does not having facial attributes make someone unworthy? The answers are not simple. But, I am brave enough to encounter the truth. I am being failed as a daughter, wife, and mother,” Jawale said.