Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (July 25) arrived at the Parliament for the BJP's parliamentary meeting to be held today. The Monsoon session of parliament, which got underway on July 20, has seen ruckus and chaos inside the House as the opposition demands a statement by the Prime Minister on Manipur violence issue. The violence hit state has been witnessing riots since May 3 and the May 4 video which surfaced showing Kuki women paraded naked in Kangpokpi district and sexually assaulted by a mob shook the nation as well as political parties.
Watch: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the Parliament for the BJP Parliamentary party meeting.
WATCH: BJP Parliamentary party meeting is underway at Parliament.
BJP chalks out strategy
The BJP is expected to chalk out a stategy for the Monsoon session of Parliament which has seen a rocky start as the house was adjourned on all three days and AAP MP Sanjay Singh was suspended by Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. The opposition is adament on Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving a statement in the House on Manipur violence issue.
AAP keeps up the ante
AAP MP Raghav Chadha, said that the "Only demand of the opposition parties is that we want a discussion on the Manipur issue. It is sad that this issue is being discussed internationally but not in India.Manipur CM N Biren Singh should be removed and President's rule should be imposed in the state. AAP is going to raise the issue of Manipur across the country."
Adjournment notices by opposition parties
On Tuesday (July 25), MPs from Congress, AAP and several opposition party leaders gave adjournment motion notice in Lok Sabha and persisted with their demand that the Prime Minister speak in the House on Manipur violence issue. From Congress, Rajiv Shuklal, Imran Imran Pratapgarhi (Rajya Sabha) and Gaurav Gogoi (Lok Sabha) gave notice. Manoj Jha of RJD also submitted a notice. Besides, KR Suresh Reddy, AAP MP Raghav Chadha and BRS MP K Keshava Rao also gave adjournment motion notice to discuss the Manipur violence issue, reported ANI.
(With agency inputs)